Full documentation will be released soon in a full report format Quick share notes at this stage Phone Numbers Karen – Advises she is an investment agent +1 405 726 1189+1 (657) 201-7908 George – “UK Regional Manager” +44 7940 423577 Telegram Group – If you use this platform don’t… Continue Reading WEALTHTRADE247 – Wealth With Karen Trade – Scams

I recently bought a game from difmark.com and the next day went to sign into my account and in error mistyped my password and received an attempted sign-in warning email. This email is sent to alert customers in case somebody is attempting to sign into your account without permission I… Continue Reading Difmark.com – Reported Security Bug

Today I found siberdc.com advertising low-cost VPS servers with DDOS protection on a number of forums I checked their WHMCS licence status and found this to be nulled / invalid licence I contacted their live chat to find out why and they suddenly stopped replying Proof WHMCS is being used… Continue Reading siberdc.com ** NULLED/CRACKED WHMCS ** AVIOD **

Below is a web hosting provider that is hosting its clients using “shared” licences. A shared licence is not a legitimate licence, many of these licence systems used for cracking the software contain backdoors putting both your website and personal data at serious risk. We are taking the time to… Continue Reading hostbet.in – – Cracked cPanel Hosting servers – Nulled WHMCS – Scam